Scanning millions of data points on clear, deep and dark web to accurately identify the leakage of your patients’ personally identifiable information (PII) in compliance with regulations.

Get proactive to keep your patients’ data safe.
SOCRadar for Healthcare. Threat groups target healthcare primarily for financial gain. Compromised protected health information (PHI) can be sold and traded on the dark web as disrupting daily hospitals operations using ransomware is also highly profitable. With the holistic and actionable intelligence approach of SOCRadar, these targeted attacks can be prevented by eliminating the holes on your attack surface and getting proactive on tracking adversaries, campaigns and new TTPs. When you choose SOCRadar, you get a unified, multifunctional threat intelligence platform with a single pane-of-glass portal providing you the attack surface visibility and threat trends that you need to improve your security posture.

Maximize the impact of your investment with SOCRadar’s innovative approach combining external attack surface management, cyber threat intelligence and digital risk protection enabled by big data and automation.

Achieve digital resiliency by maintaining internet-facing digital asset inventory. Significantly accelerate this process by automated discovery, mapping and continuous asset monitoring.
SOCRadar іs аn іnсrеdіblу іnnоvаtіvе prоduсt аnd wе hаvеn’t еvеr mеt аnу sіmіlаr all-in-one sеrvісеs wіth suсh аdvаnсеd funсtіоnаlіties.
Cyber Defense Center Vice President
Finance Industry