Extended Threat Intelligence
SOCRadar Extended Threat Intelligence, a natively single platform from its inception that proactively identifies and analyzes cyber threats with contextual and actionable intelligence.
Organizations need to have better visibility into external facing assets and services and the related vulnerabilities they may present. It is clearly not sufficient to have only EASM solutions to eliminate cyber risks. Rather, EASM technologies are advised to be a component of a broader enterprise vulnerability management strategy.
Enterprises are seeking digital asset protection wherever exposure may occur. The traditional focus on social media and the dark web is insufficient as threat actors proliferate sources.
Monitoring capabilities across all environments (cloud buckets, dark web) are considered to equip the security team effectively. For a comprehensive Digital Risk Protection, services like site takedown and automated remediation should also be included. With a full-fledged DRPS , your organization will be more resilient against DDoS attacks.
SOCRadar XTI offers integrations with various product groups.
As a SaaS and cloud base product, SOCRadar XTI allows users to seamlessly scale their software usage up or down based on their ever-changing needs.
With the customizable dashboard the users can easily manage alarms.
SOCRadar XTI offers monitoring services for dark web and other sources for potential threats targeting organizations, detecting impersonating domains, tracking social media platforms for brand abuse alerting companies to potential threats before they could cause damage.
The platform’s deep insights into the evolving threat landscape, with intelligence such as new vulnerabilities, attack methods, sectoral or regional cyber attack campaigns, supply chain attacks and threat actor groups, enables organizations to make informed decisions about security infrastructure, prioritize investments in security technologies.
Harness the power of holistic cyber intelligence:
Step into the world of SOCRadar XTI, where 360-degree visibility meets actionable threat intelligence, on a comprehensive and unified platform.