Welcome to SOCRadar’s United Kingdom Threat Landscape Report!

The United Kingdom, as a leading force in the global economy, excels in innovation, finance, and industry. However, these strengths are shadowed by the persistent threat of cyber attacks, fueled by escalating global tensions and advances in digital warfare. In 2023, the UK faced a significant increase in sophisticated cyber operations, with adversaries exploiting digital vulnerabilities for strategic gains. Our comprehensive report delves into these challenges, offering in-depth analysis of the current cyber threat landscape.

  • The most Targeted Industry is the Retail trade, which endured the majority of cyber threats, representing 14.47% of dark web activities in 2023.
  • Finance and Insurance are the second Most Targeted sectors. This sector faced 12.13% of cyber threats, making it a critical area of concern.
  • Predominant Dark Web Activities: Information sales, including leaks and data breaches, dominated the dark web, accounting for over half of all transactions.

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