Welcome to SOCRadar’s 2024 Cryptocurrency & NFT Threat Landscape Report!

The Cryptocurrency & NFT Threat Landscape Report 2024 by SOCRadar presents a thorough analysis of Dark Web threats from 2021 to the present. It identifies a significant increase in threats from 2021 to 2022, followed by a notable decrease from 2022 to 2023. As of January 2024, 19 threats have been observed. The report highlights that compromised user data typically includes personal details, contact information, account, and wallet details, which are either sold or shared for free on Dark Web forums. Additionally, it notes partnership/cooperation offers initiated by threat actors.

SOCRadar’s report reveals that half of the compromised information is global user data, with the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation being the top three countries affected. This comprehensive analysis aims to empower decision-making processes for organizations in the Cryptocurrency and NFT sectors by providing insights into potential risks and threats, enabling stakeholders and users to enhance their security measures effectively.

Social engineering and phishing serve as initial vectors for numerous cyber attacks. In tandem with your company’s training on refraining from clicking on untrusted links and email attachments without proper verification, SOCRadar can identify impersonating and typosquatting domains that may be utilized in phishing campaigns targeting your employees and users.