SOCRadar monitors the entire web for personally identifiable information (PII) including the freshest compromised account credentials and credit card numbers relevant to your organization. This information is delivered by digging into a wide variety of Internet sources (surface and deep/dark web) to protect your organization against identity theft and fraud.

Credentials & Data Leak Detection
Monitoring for unwanted exposure to protect your business against external cyber threats.
SOCRadar draws on a growing collection of data then through advanced analytics algorithms and a team of talented analysts, it helps organizations to know if their employee email addresses, credit card information or customer’s user account login details have been compromised. Regularly, the credit card information is traded on the Internet, especially in the dark web. You can take action against fraud beforehand with the SOCRadar Credit Card Leakage monitoring module and its on-time alarms.

SOCRadar’s fusion of its unique technology with the human analyst eye achieves further to provide comprehensive, in-depth, precise, and essential threat intelligence to protect your most valuable intellectual property and sensitive information linked to your customers and employees.

SOCRadar’s historical precision and growing robust database help analysts cut through the noise, narrowing down relevant security items and prioritizing SOC analyst time and energy on the most critical security incidents.

Personally identifiable information (PII) is becoming a profitable target in the age of GDPR. Malicious actors increased the number of data breach attempts threatening GDPR fine, which could be up to 4% of global turnover or €20 million.
SOCRadar іs аn іnсrеdіblу іnnоvаtіvе prоduсt аnd wе hаvеn’t еvеr mеt аnу sіmіlаr all-in-one sеrvісеs wіth suсh аdvаnсеd funсtіоnаlіties.
Cyber Defense Center Vice President
Finance Industry