SOCRadar® Cyber Intelligence Inc. | Top 5 Phishing Domain Takedown Service


May 30, 2024
9 Mins Read

Top 5 Phishing Domain Takedown Service

Phishing attacks continue to pose a significant threat to both individuals and organizations. As cyber criminals continue to improve their strategies for exploiting vulnerabilities, the demand for effective phishing domain takedown services has increased.

Phishing domain takedown specialized services are critical for quickly detecting, disrupting, and removing fraudulent websites, thereby protecting sensitive information from malicious actors. In this article, we’ll look at the top five phishing domain takedown services, which stand out for their quick response times, and innovative approaches to digital security.

These services, which rely on advanced technologies and extensive networks, provide an important layer of defense against the constantly shifting cyber threat landscape.

Understanding Phishing Domains

Phishing domains are fraudulent web addresses that impersonate legitimate websites in order to trick users into disclosing sensitive information such as login credentials, personal information, or financial data. These domains are part of phishing attacks, in which cybercriminals create web pages that look almost identical to those of legitimate institutions in order to trick users into entering their information. For a comprehensive overview and further insights into these deceptive tactics, explore our detailed report at SOCRadar’s Phishing Domain Report.

AI illustration of phishing domains

AI illustration of phishing domains

How Does Phishing Domains Work:

  1. Look-alike URLs: These domains frequently use URLs that closely resemble the legitimate site but contain minor misspellings or extra characters. For example, a phishing domain might be “” rather than “”.
  2. Insecure HTTP Protocols: Legitimate websites typically use “https://” for secure communication. Phishing domains may use “http://” without the’s’, but some may also use “https://” to appear legitimate.
  3. Poor Grammar and Spelling: Many phishing sites have obvious typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrasing, which can be warning signs.
  4. Unsolicited Requests for Personal Information: Phishing domains frequently prompt users to provide unnecessary sensitive information, such as login credentials or credit card information.
  5. Mismatched URLs: Hovering over a link may reveal an incorrect or suspicious URL, indicating a phishing attempt.
  6. Absence of SSL Certificates: Legitimate websites usually have a padlock symbol that indicates an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate. This type of security feature is frequently absent from phishing websites.

1. Phish Report

Phish Report is a phishing takedown service that helps businesses protect themselves from phishing attacks by providing tools for detecting and removing phishing websites. Unlike managed takedown services, which can be expensive, Phish Report takes a more hands-on approach, providing teams with the tools they need to perform takedowns themselves, making it a more cost-effective option.

Phish Report main page

Phish Report main page

Every day, the service scans millions of URLs to quickly identify phishing sites, using real-time feeds and detection signatures to detect brand impersonation and malicious activity. When a phishing site is detected, it is reported to hosting providers, prompting immediate alerts and takedown actions.

Phish Report also includes automation tools that make the detection and response process easier. Its API allows for integration with existing case management or incident response systems, giving teams the freedom to tailor their phishing defense workflows. You can learn more about the API by reading their report.

Phish Report also supports integrations with popular platforms like Slack, TheHive, and Cortex, which improves incident response capabilities. These integrations enable easy interaction and efficient management of phishing incidents from within the tools that teams already use.

Using Phish Report to report fraudulent links in Slack by using their shortcut (image source: Phish Report) 

Using Phish Report to report fraudulent links in Slack by using their shortcut (image source: Phish Report)

Overall, Phish Report positions itself as a practical solution for small to medium-sized security teams, providing detailed analytics, collaboration tools, and accurate phishing campaign tracking. The pricing model is competitive, offering unlimited takedowns and premium features such as API integrations and priority support for enterprise plans.

2. Immuniweb

ImmuniWeb is a notable player in the phishing takedown service market, offering a comprehensive service designed to detect and lawfully suspend malicious websites, pages, or domains involved in phishing activities. This service is integrated into the ImmuniWeb Discovery product and leverages jurisdiction-specific legal processes to efficiently address and mitigate phishing threats.

Immuniweb’s phishing domain takedown page

Immuniweb’s phishing domain takedown page

One of the key features of ImmuniWeb’s phishing takedown service is its simplicity and efficiency, as it can be integrated by adding your website to their Dark Web Monitoring service to get alerted on any phishing attempts and once an alert occurs it can be easily reported and a takedown could be initiated.

Takedowns can vary in duration, ranging from one day to one week, depending on the complexity of the case. This service is available to customers of the ImmuniWeb Discovery product at no additional cost, making it a cost-effective option for organizations looking to enhance their cybersecurity measures. There is also a free demo available for people who are interested in trying the product.

3. Netcraft

Netcraft provides a comprehensive phishing takedown service that uses advanced technologies and operates around the clock to detect, disrupt, and eliminate phishing attacks worldwide. This service uses machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as thousands of rules, to effectively detect phishing sites targeting any institution.

Netcraft’s phishing domain takedown page

Netcraft’s phishing domain takedown page

Netcraft is recognized as one of the world’s largest takedown providers, having dismantled more than one-third of all phishing attacks. Their automated systems are constantly scanning for malicious websites, fraudulent domain names, social media profiles, and email campaigns. When a threat is identified, Netcraft immediately blocks access and issues takedown notices, significantly limiting the scope of these attacks.

Netcraft’s takedown process is highly automated, with rapid evidence gathering and coordination with hosting providers, domain registrars, and webmasters to prevent fraudulent activity. They provide transparency in their operations, allowing customers to track the status of takedowns via a variety of channels including portals, email, APIs, and RSS feeds.

Netcraft’s efforts resulted in the removal of over 20 million phishing attacks, significantly contributing to the reduction of cybercrime. They collaborate closely with regulatory bodies to streamline the process of removing or restricting access to harmful sites.

4. Bolster

Bolster’s phishing takedown service uses advanced AI technology to detect and remove phishing and scam websites quickly and effectively. Bolster’s AI engine, which has been trained on over a billion websites, provides precise threat identification with a low false positive rate, resulting in minimal disruption to legitimate sites. The service is primarily automated, able to initiate takedowns in 60 seconds and handle 95% of cases without manual intervention.

Bolster’s phishing domain takedown page

Bolster’s phishing domain takedown page

Bolster has strong partnerships with over 1,500 registries and hosting providers, allowing for the seamless removal of malicious sites and preventing their recurrence. The platform also expands its monitoring capabilities to include social media, app stores, marketplaces, and the dark web, providing a comprehensive approach to digital risk protection.

Furthermore, Bolster improves organizational security by lowering the costs and recovery time associated with data breaches. Their community tool,, provides free real-time phishing checks, further democratizing access to phishing detection tools. Bolster’s team includes experienced security experts who add a layer of deep cybersecurity knowledge to their offerings.

Bolster’s CheckPhish tool

Bolster’s CheckPhish tool

Bolster’s service is an all-encompassing solution for combating phishing and scam threats, improving both organizational security and productivity.

5. SOCRadar’s Domain Takedown Service

SOCRadar provides an advanced Integrated Takedown service that is designed to effectively combat phishing threats by allowing for the quick removal of malicious domains. This service is part of SOCRadar’s Brand Protection module, which enables users to initiate takedowns with a single click request. This streamlined approach helps to mitigate the impact of cyber threats on your brand’s reputation and overall cybersecurity posture.

SOCRadar’s Domain Takedown Service in Brand Protection module

SOCRadar’s Domain Takedown Service in Brand Protection module

The service uses SOCRadar’s extensive global contact network to effectively coordinate the takedown process while imposing no additional legal or procedural burdens on the user. Furthermore, the platform enables continuous monitoring of the situation, providing updates and allowing for quick follow-up actions as needed. This ensures that any emerging threats are quickly addressed, thereby protecting digital assets from potential compromise.

Companies, in particular, must take proactive measures to combat phishing. SOCRadar simplifies this process, enabling businesses to effectively protect their online presence. Whether you want to protect your brand from impersonation or reduce the risks associated with phishing domains, SOCRadar’s Integrated Takedown service is a comprehensive solution that improves your ability to respond to digital threats quickly.

SOCRadar also provides a Phishing Domain Detection feature, which proactively detects and mitigates phishing threats by monitoring and analyzing domain activity. It employs advanced algorithms to detect suspicious domains, thereby preventing phishing attempts.

You can also use SOCRadar’s Dark Web Monitoring to get a digital peek into the dark web. This continuous monitoring is backed up by proficient alert systems that immediately notify your security team of any potential threats, allowing for quick action to prevent or mitigate damage.

SOCRadar's Dark Web Monitoring module

SOCRadar’s Dark Web Monitoring module

This proactive approach to cybersecurity ensures that your company can respond to threats before they escalate, such as impersonating websites. Maintaining your operational integrity and protecting your sensitive data.

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